Click through each scene to find out more about what was portrayed through The Thorn and get to know our Tour Team who helped bring this story to life on stages across the country. Our prayer is that you would come away knowing Jesus better.


Many early Christians were persecuted due to the edicts of various Roman Emperors. They were tortured and sentenced to terrible deaths, some of which took

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John the Beloved, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was exiled to the island of Patmos. After many brutal attempts to murder him, the Roman government

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In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God. From the very beginning the

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God said, “Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other

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The birth of Jesus, foretold for generations, came to pass through Mary, a virgin and descendant of David. His royal lineage would carry not just

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Jesus left Galilee and went to the River Jordan to be baptized by John. John did not believe himself to be someone who would or

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Jesus called together His disciples who would follow Him and learn His teachings over the course of His ministry.  (Luke 6:12-16)

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Jesus used His time on earth to see prophecy fulfilled and have people come to know the truth of who He is. One of the

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Jesus asked His disciples to bring a donkey for Him to ride into the town of Jerusalem. As He rode in on the donkey (a

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Jesus asked two of His disciples to go to a man who would provide them with a space to hold the Passover meal. There, they

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During the supper, Jesus declared that one of them would soon betray Him. While none of them wanted to believe it was them, shouting “surely,

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Jesus went out to the Mount of Olives with His disciples. He encouraged them to pray so that they would not be tested. Jesus then

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While Jesus was still speaking, a crowd came up, led by Judas. He greeted Jesus with a kiss, a symbol that Jesus was the man

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Early the next morning, Jesus was tied up and led to Pilate where He was asked if He was King of the Jews. Jesus responded

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Pilate then ordered his soldiers to whip Jesus and nail Him to a cross. The soldiers placed a purple robe on him and a crown

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Jesus was nailed to the cross, with a notice above him detailing the charge against him that read “THE KING OF THE JEWS.” They continued

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The Sabbath was quickly approaching and there was not much time to prepare the body for burial so two men wrapped Jesus’ body in cloth

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Three days later, as Mary Magdalene and Mary went to see the tomb, an earthquake struck and an angel came from heaven. The guards fell

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As Jesus met with His disciples and spoke to crowds, He encouraged them to go out to the people of the world and share His

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