Early the next morning, Jesus was tied up and led to Pilate where He was asked if He was King of the Jews. Jesus responded that He was brought into the world to tell about the truth. As Pilate was judging Jesus’ case, Pilate’s wife sent word that he should not have anything to do with Jesus.
(Mark 15:1-2; Matthew 27:19)
Per tradition, the governor freed a prisoner chosen by the people each Passover. The options set before the people were to free Jesus or a well-known terrorist named Barabbas. The chief priests had convinced the crowds to request Barabbas to be freed and so he was. The crowds then called for Jesus to be nailed to a cross. Pilate knew there was nothing he could do so he washed his hands, cleansing himself of what was to come.
(Matthew 27: 17-18;20-24)